Leadership & Selfishness & Responsibility

Lately I have been pondering about the Avatar, Enron, or Germany and  and how it so related to the world we live in today. It feels like the World has not changed much, yet it has been changed dramatically. It looks like through my observation that many of the businesses, communities, and nations fell because of their leadership.When leaders took away their eyes on the ball, things began to fall and eventually led to chaos.

But how could such a thing happen after all the success have gained from a such a great effort put into it? I think the right answer for the question is GREEDY and IRRESPONSIBLE.
In the movie Avatar, Earth leaders desired to get rid of the Navi because they wanted valuable materials (unobtanium). Another crude and most memorable history story was the unforgettable man from Germany, Adolf Hitler, who made history for what he did to the Jewish people not only in Germany but to the Jewish in Europe.
In addition, Enron was another well known company in the US history that made a record of the biggest fraudulent in American history. Few days ago, I read through a group discussion that talked about the the Tuvaluan Government's ministers (senators) spent money on rather unimportant trips that only benefited them and never injected their trip funds to improve healthcare and education.

How can we can bring back Tuvalu if almost the human race adopted these kind of leaderships? I believe you and me need to figure it out what really leadership meant? How can we overcome our own selfishness? And how can we bring back Tuvalu?


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